20 Questions with Steven Page

Steven Page and the Barenaked Ladies have to be wary of writing songs containing catch-words that encourage fans to hurl projectiles on stage. Shows are now punctuated by flying underwear and boxes of Kraft Dinner. Someone could put an eye out. As a result, you will not hear their great new song about deadly ninja stars on Disc One: All Their Greatest Hits (1991-2001), in stores Nov. 13. They can't be too careful.
Here's a look inside the mind of the frontman of Canada's beloved pop jesters:
- What was the last movie you saw that you loved?
I just rewatched Stardust Memories by Woody Allen and it blew my mind.
- What was the first album you ever owned?
The first one I bought with my own money was Get the Knack. Still one of my favourite albums.
- What was the last book you read?
I'm reading Atonement by Ian McEwan right now.
- What's your favourite hangout?
My kitchen.
- Do you have a pet peeve?
- What's your idea of the perfect Sunday?
Underpants and booze.
- What's your favourite food?
Anything with mushrooms.
- What was the worst job you ever had?
Cleaning up puke from the lawn at the Kingswood Music Theatre. I was a maintenance worker.
- What gadget or gizmo can you not live without?
My G3 Powerbook.
- Do you have a hobby or habit that you think would surprise people?
I'm a gourmet cook Italian and French are my fortes and I fancy myself a wine aficionado.
- What's your favourite piece of clothing?
My little black suit.
- What would you change about yourself if you could?
My breasts I'd reduce one and enlarge the other.
- Do you have a favourite quotation?
I'll paraphrase a Leonard Cohen poem: "All the 15-year-old girls I wanted when I was 15, I have them now. It is very nice. I suggest you all become rich and famous."
- Whom do you most admire?
Leonard Cohen.
- What is your greatest extravagance?
I have a stupidly expensive car a Lexus SUV.
- Have you ever been mistaken for another celebrity?
Yes, Drew Carey.
- What is your greatest weakness?
I'm trying to quit smoking and I feel very weak right now.
- If you are reincarnated who or what would you like to be?
An elephant in India large, sought after, admired, frightening.
- If you had to go back in time to live in another decade, which one would you choose?
I'd want to live in New York in the 1950s.
- If you had to rename your band, what would it be?
Barenaked Ladies U.K.